Nabízíme flexibilní cenové plány, takže každý může najít ten, který vyhovuje jeho potřebám.
Máme plány pro každého, ať už jste nezávislý marketér nebo velká agentura.
Všechny ceny jsou v CZK Plány s neomezeným počtem slov podléhají naší pravidlu o spravedlivém užívání.
Starter Plan
19.99 Kč /Monthly
Premium Plan
49.99 Kč /Monthly
Platinum Plan
129 Kč /Monthly
9.99 Kč
10000 word
100 image
100 minute
200000 character
19.99 Kč
10000 word
100 image
100 minute
400000 character
24.99 Kč
10000 word
100 image
100 minute
500000 character
Spolupracovali s lídry v oboru
Tisíce marketérů, agentur a podnikatelů si vybírají QuicKai k automatizaci a zjednodušení svého marketingu obsahu.
Porovnat plány
Naše plány nabízejí ideální rovnováhu mezi cenou, funkcemi a výkonem. Porovnejte naše plány a najděte ten, který nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám.
Než začnete
Často kladené dotazy
Podívejte se, co se ostatní lidé ptají na QuicKai a buďte součástí toho.
Are there any hidden charges?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Are there any hidden charges?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Does QuicKai read or write in other languages?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Does QuicKai read or write in other languages?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Are there any hidden charges?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Is the content from QuicKai original?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
What are the available payment methods?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Does QuicKai read or write in other languages?
For my agency, QuicKai has been a game changer. With the click of a button, I can create a complete landing page. I receive 5 different variations of content so that I can choose the one that I like best. Moreover, the content rewriting feature is top-notch. And the blog writer is outstanding,
Jste připraveni posunout svůj obsah na vyšší úroveň?
Zaregistrujte se na bezplatnou zkušební verzi a zjistěte, jak snadné je vytvářet úžasný obsah!